Serving Alaska for Jesus
Making Disciples and Planting Churches
As missionaries, our ultimate goal is to share God’s Love and to plant churches by discipling the native Alaskan people in interior villages and communities. Northern Lights Missions is in full partnership with the Alaska Baptist Convention, North American Mission Board and several partnering Churches both in Alaska and outside our great state.
2022 Video
Watch this video and see the Staff of Northern Lights Missions and our mission teams in action!
VBS, Work team, Bible Studies and so much more!
2023 video
Our story of God’s work here in Alaska!
“Preach the Gospel at all times, when necessary use words”
— St. Francis Assisi
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Ready to take the next step?
We are predominantly ministering to the Native Athabascan groups and villages in the area surrounding Tok, known as the Upper Tanana and Yukon River Valleys. We strive not only to speak so people can understand, but teach so there is no way they cannot understand.
What We Are Doing!
Serving Villages.
We work to serve the communities where God has called us and strive to be a help in many ways, We simply like to say we are “doing life together”, We all face the same challenges whether Spiritually, Mentally or Physically and need Gods help and each others friendship. Some of the ways we help is maintenance and repairs of equipment and homes, planning youth events and special activities and of course bible studies and Church services along with much more.
Building Churches.
We partner with churches to plant and build churches and Sunday school facilities. We are currently working to build church buildings in multiple villages so that the local people have places to gather and worship. These buildings are also used as discipleship centers.
Making Disciples.
We work through developing relationships with leaders of the villages and remote communities to disciple them. A tool we use for these discipleship relationships are messages and spiritually lead Bible study materials that we will go and preach at their local church gatherings.
Northern Lights Mission
1314.5 Alaska Hwy Tok Alaska 99780,